HR Policy Analysis
This section includes links to the different websites where the content is hosted.
HIC MENA Input to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination
HIC MENA Input to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination More Details
HIC-HLRN Submission to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination in Palestine
HIC-HLRN Submission to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination in Palestine More Details
Reports on Discrimination, Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing Questionnaire Input on Palestine/Israel
Discrimination, Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing Questionnaire Input on Palestine/Israel More Details
Consolidating, Developing and Mainstreaming the Feminist Approach in HIC Africa
Consolidating, Developing and Mainstreaming the Feminist Approach in HIC Africa More Details
New from HIC-HLRN: "A Pandemic of Violations"
HLRN’s annual World Habitat Day Report (2020) from the Violation Database focusing on forced evictions and other violations of housing More Details
A Pandemic of Violations: Forced Evictions and Other Habitat-related Human Rights Violations amid COVID-19
HLRN’s annual World Habitat Day Report (2020) from the Violation Database focusing on forced evictions and other violations of housing More Details
Kenya: Dispossessing Women as Custom
New study on the impacts of customary practices on the habitat-related human rights of women in Kenya More Details
Kenya: Impoverishing Women with "Development"
Incidents of Infrastructure Development That Dispossess and Displace People: Baseline assessment of women’s wealth, wellbeing and habitat More Details
India’s Unrelenting Forced-eviction Crisis
The report documents forced evictions in India over the last three years More Details

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