Legal and Policy Forums
This section offers documents, statements, advocacy materials and reports by HIC-HLRN and HIC Members before international, regional and local legal and policy-making bodies on human rights matters related to habitat. This section includes links to the different websites where the content is hosted.
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review More Details
Joint Parallel Report to CEDaW
Joint Parallel Report to CEDaW: SSA :UHSN and HIC-HLRN More Details
Joint Parallel Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Joint Parallel Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women More Details
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole More Details
HIC Written Statement to UN-Habitat Executive Board
HIC Statement to UN-Habitat Executive Board 2nd Session 2021 More Details
A Human Right to Land
Input to the CESCR draft General Comment on land and economic, social and cultural Rights. It argues for the legal More Details
HIC MENA Input to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination
HIC MENA Input to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination More Details
HIC-HLRN Submission to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination in Palestine
HIC-HLRN Submission to Special Rapporteur on Segregation and Discrimination in Palestine More Details
Reports on Discrimination, Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing Questionnaire Input on Palestine/Israel
Discrimination, Segregation and the Right to Adequate Housing Questionnaire Input on Palestine/Israel More Details

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