Demolitions & Displacement in the occupied West Bank (including occupied East Jerusalem) and within the State of Israel

May 2024 Report – ICAHD

In May there was a sharp rise in demolitions all over occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Naqab (Negev) desert. Entire villages were razed, dozens of homes, livelihood, agricultural and WASH structures were demolished leaving hundreds displaced, without a way to provide for their families under the scorching sun amidst heatwaves.

Internationals part of the ICAHD study tour visited Wadi al-Khalil on 8 May just three days after 47 homes and 250 livelihood structures were demolished, leaving its 350 residents homeless. A panoramic view of some of the destruction witnessed that day is seen here. (Watch the video here.)

A few days following their visit, Israeli authorities arrived again to uproot the trees in the village and to destroy the tents and shelters that residents had erected to protect them. This pattern has continued to happen. Yesterday morning, 13 June 2024, about ten police vans along with heavy machinery demolished 20 residential tents, uprooted more trees and even turned the land so the residents will not be able to erect tents at the same location. Still villagers refuse to leave and are finding ways to shelter amongst the ruins.

Israeli authorities decided that this land is needed for the extension of Highway 6 and it had proposed to relocate the residents to another location. However, the residents did not refuse to evacuate, they just did not agree to the solution that the state proposed in Umm Batin because of conflicts with other families on the land.

Currently, the Regional Council for Unrecognized Villages (RCUV) is advocating for a safe and agreed-upon location for rebuilding Wadi al-Khalil but that will take time.

Eight of the 35 unrecognized villages in the Naqab are currently under threat of forced eviction under the guise of Israel’s plans for urban development.

On 15 May, the nearby village of al-Araqib was razed for the 223rd time since July 2010. (See profile of al-Araqib on +972.)

Original article

Download Coveting Land, Targeting Homes, Shelters and Shelter Seekers: Israel’s raison d’état, military doctrine and consistent practice

Photo: Israeli equipment demolishing the community centre, Idhna, Hebron District, 16 May 2024. Source: ICAHD.

• Armed / ethnic conflict
• Destruction of habitat
• Discrimination
• Displaced
• Dispossession
• ESC rights
• Ethnic
• Forced evictions
• Homeless
• Housing rights
• Indigenous peoples
• Local Governance
• National
• People under occupation
• Population transfers
• Property rights
• Public policies
• Refugees
• Regional
• Religious
• Security of tenure